While the very nature of the work that Intertek people do every day helps to minimise the health, social and environmental impact of thousands of products and processes around the world, many also give their personal time and energy to voluntary programmes in their local communities. Our employees’ cultural values and relationships within the communities in which they live and work is important to them, as well as to our business and our clients. At Intertek we encourage our employees’ involvement in charitable and community activities. Volunteering not only helps develop new skills and experiences but strengthens relationships with colleagues through the teamwork involved.
Because of the decentralised structure of our Group and the nature of our activities, community involvement is organised at local level by local managers. We recognise the importance of our relationship with the communities in which we operate, and encourage our businesses and employees to undertake community service and charitable fundraising activities.
Labour and Human Rights
Intertek is made up of many industries and operational functions. One of our key values is to act as a united company – 'One Intertek' – by promoting a cooperative working culture. In line with this, it is important to establish Intertek workplaces where Intertek people can deliver their work and develop their potential. Intertek is committed to maintaining high standards of fairness, respect and safety for all Intertek people. Intertek is also committed to respecting the United Nation’s (UN) convention on Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) eight core conventions on fundamental human rights.
Health and Safety
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Employee Numbers and Gender Diversity
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At 31 December 2017 Intertek employed 43,906 people, an increase of 3.4% over the previous year.